2023-2024 Course Catalog
Auditing Courses
The course audit option is restricted to Chatham courses, undergraduate or graduate level, and does not apply to independent studies. No credit is granted for course audits, and an AU will be recorded on the transcript as the grade. When a course audit option is selected, the student may be required to participate in class discussion, do practicum work, submit written work, and take examinations.
Full-time students may audit a course by obtaining permission from the instructor and completing a course audit application available from the University Registrar. Audits must be declared at the point of registration. Courses for major or minor credit may not be audited. General Education credits may not be audited.
Students in health science programs generally may not audit courses except for special circumstances approved by the instructor and Program Director. Non-health science programs graduate students may audit a course by obtaining permission from the instructor and completing a course audit application.