John Dimoff

Hometown:  Pittsburgh, PA


Substance use and abuse, health-compromising behaviors, social-psychological processes, training in psychology


Sports, cooking, running, being a fun uncle, 90s nostalgia, all things Pittsburgh

  • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2019
  • Dimoff, J. D., Sayette, M. A., & Levine, J. M. (in press). Experiencing cigarette craving with a friend: A shared reality analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.
  • Dimoff, J. D., Sayette, M. A., & Norcross, J. C. (2017). Addiction training in clinical psychology: Are we keeping up with the rising epidemic? American Psychologist, 72(7), 689-695.
  • Dimoff, J. D., & Sayette, M. A. (2017). The case for investigating social context in laboratory studies of smoking. Addiction, 112(3), 388-395. [Featured as a “For Debate” piece.]
  • Dimoff, J. D., & Sayette, M. A. (2017). From consensus to action: Time to incorporate social context into laboratory studies of smoking. Addiction, 112(3), 399-400. [Invited response to commentaries.]
  • Sayette, M. A., & Dimoff, J. D. (2016). In search of anticipatory cigarette cravings: The impact of perceived smoking opportunity and motivation to seek treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30(3), 277-286.
  • Sayette, M. A., Creswell, K. G., Dimoff, J. D., Fairbairn, C. E., Cohn, J. F., Heckman, B. W., Kirchner, T. R., Levine, J. M., & Moreland, R. L. (2012). Alcohol and group formation: A multimodal investigation of the effects of alcohol on emotion and social bonding. Psychological Science, 23, 869-879.
  • Sayette, M. A., Dimoff, J. D., Levine, J. M, Moreland, R. L. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2012). The effects of alcohol and dosage-set on risk-seeking behavior in groups and individuals. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, 194-200. DOI: 10.1037/a0023903
  • Sayette, M. A., Norcross, J. C., & Dimoff, J. D. (2011). The heterogeneity of clinical psychology Ph.D. programs and the distinctiveness of APCS programs. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 18, 4-11.
  • Dimoff, J.D. (2019, April). Racial/ethnic differences in the diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders. Talk given at the VA Western New York Healthcare System’s 2019 Health Equity Conference, Buffalo, NY.
  • Dimoff, J.D. (2018, December). Hiding in plain sight: The curious case of social processes and addiction. Talk given to Allegheny College, Department of Psychology, Meadville, PA.
  • Dimoff, J. D., & Sayette, M. A. (2017, June). The impact of interpersonal processes on smoking behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Dimoff, J.D. (2017, January). Ongoing mental health awareness for undergraduate students. Talk given for the University of Pittsburgh chapter of Psi Chi, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Dimoff, J.D. (2016, April). Cigarette smoking in context. Talk given as part of Clinical Psychology Brown Bag Series, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA.