Diane Hunker, Ph.D., MBA, RN

Program Director of Nursing & Professor of Nursing
Hometown: Franklin Park, PA
Joined Chatham: 2007
Graduate and Online Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research in Women's Health
Dr. Hunker, Professor of Nursing, serves as the Nursing Programs Director.
- Bachelors of Science in Nursing, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) 1989
- Masters in Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) 1994
- Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2007
- 2007-present American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- 2007-present National League for Nursing
- 1988-present Sigma Theta Tau International, Chi Zeta Chapter
- Singh, A., Hunker, D.F., Avidan, M. (2025) Nursing culture within higher education: A snapshot. Nursing Education Perspectives.
- Hernandez, A., Hunker, D.F. (2024). Interactive Nursing Education to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 17(3), 163-168. DOI: 10.1891/JDNP-2023-0020
- Sara, A., Hunker, D.F, (2023) Innovative Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase Nurse Knowledge and Decrease Readmission Rates of Postpartum Women with Preeclampsia. Nursing for Women’s Health, 27(5), 337-343.
- Hunker, D.F., Robb, M. (2022). Admission characteristics that influence DNP students' first-semester success: A retrospective study. Nursing Forum, 57(6),1007-1011.
- Hunker, D.F., Robb, M. (2021) Using Visual Feedback to Support Ongoing Adjunct Faculty Mentoring. Teaching and Learning in Nursing.
- Hunker, D.F., Wolf, D.M., Spadaro, K.C., Wu, H. (2021) Faculty Development Prior to an International Cohort. Open Journal of Social Science, 9, 165-172.
- Spadaro, K., Hunker, D.F. (2021). Experience of an 8-week online mindfulness intervention for nursing students: Qualitative findings. Nurse Educator, 46(3), 187-191.
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F. (2020) Students’ Perceptions of the Value of Learning the Skill-Sets of a DNP Prepared Nurse: an Exploratory Study. Journal of Doctor of Nursing Practice, 13(3), 224-228.
- Wolf, D.A., Wu, H., Spadaro, K.C., Hunker, D.F. (2020) Chinese Nurses’ Perceived Impact of International Educational Experiences and Cultural Beliefs Following A One-Year Study Abroad Program: An Exploratory Study. Frontiers in Nursing, 7(1), 23-28.
- Spadaro, K., & Hunker, D.F. (2020). Experience of an 8-week online mindfulness intervention for nursing students: Qualitative findings. Nurse Educator, e-pub ahead of print.
- Wu, H., Spadaro, K.C., Hunker, D.F., Wolf, D. (2020) Impact on Chinese nurses' roles after study abroad: An exploratory study. Journal of Nurse Education and Practice, 10(5), 63-70.
- Hunker, D.F., Shellenbarger, T., Gazza, E.A. (2019) Doctoral Student Self-assessment of Writing Development, Journal of Doctor of Nursing Practice. 12(2), 141-147.
- Gazza, E.A., Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F. (2018) MSN Students’ Self-Assessed Use of the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Scholarly Writing, Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(6), 350-354.
- Hunker, D.F., Robb, M., Spadaro, K.C., Wasco, J. (2018) Executive Nurse Leaders: Exemplar for using Information Technology to Bolster Professional Role Development of BSN-DNP Students. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 11(2), 160-164.
- Shellenbarger, T., Gazza, E.A., Hunker, D.F. (2018) Advancing Scholarly Writing of Baccalaureate Nursing Students Using the knowledge, skills, and attitude self-assessment for writing development.. Nurse Education Today, 69, 109-112.
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F. (2018) Identifying Motivational Factors for Enrolling in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(11), 680-683.
- Slade, J.D., Robb, M, Sherrod, B., Hunker, D. F. (2017) Online Adjunct Faculty Support: An Innovative Use of a Learning Management System, Nurse Educator, 42(3), 143–146.
- Spadaro, K.C., Wu, H., Wolf, D.A., Hunker, D.F., (2017) Preparing for an International Student Cohort: Making a Global Impact on Nursing, Nurse Education Today, 10 (57), 88-94.
- BenDavid, D. N., Hunker, D. F., & Spadaro, K. C. Uncovering the golden veil: Applying the evidence for telephone screening to detect early postpartum depression. The Journal of Perinatal Education, January 2016
- Spadaro, K.C., Hunker, D. F. Exploring the effects of an online asynchronous mindfulness meditation intervention with nursing students on stress, mood, and cognition: a descriptive study, Nurse Education Today, May 2016
- Hunker, D. F., (2015) Chapter 4: The Healthcare Environment. The Doctor of Nursing Practice and the Nurse Executive Role. Wolters Kluwer Health: Philadelphia, PA
- Hopkins, E., Wolf, D., Slade, J., Spadaro, K.C., Hunker, D.F., Doas, M.D. Creating a Virtual Nursing Honor Society: Key Technology Design Considerations, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, January 2015
- Hunker, D.F., Gazza, E.A., Shellenbarger, T. Evidence-based knowledge, skills and attitudes for scholarly writing development across all levels of nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, August 2014
- Gazza, E.A., Hunker, D.F. Facilitating student retention in online graduate nursing education programs: A review of the literature. Nurse Education Today .May 2014
- Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F., Gazza, E., Understanding the scholarly writing development of nurses in US clinical doctoral programs. Nursing Forum. January 2014
- Spadaro, K.C., Stevens, E.E., Doas, M., Wolf, D., Slade, J., Hunker, D.F. A virtual nursing honor society: Recognition for online academic excellence. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. January 2014
- Gazza, E., Hunker, D.F., Shellenbarger, T., Advancing the quality and safety of radiology and imaging nursing practice through scholarly writing. Journal of Radiology Nursing. September 2013
- Pessagno, R., Hunker, D.F. The use of short-term group psychotherapy as an evidenced-based psychiatric nursing intervention for first-time mothers at risk for postpartum depression. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. July 2012
- Gazza, E., Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F. ,Developing Scholarly Writers: The Experiences of Students Enrolled in a PhD Nursing Program. , Nurse Education Today, June 2012
- Gazza, E., Hunker, D.F. Facilitating Scholarly Writer Development: The Writing Scaffold. Nursing Forum. 2011
- Wisner, K.L., Sit, D., Hanusa, B.H., Moses-Kolko, E.L., Bogen, D.L., Hunker, D.F., Perel, J.M., Jones-Ivey, S., Bodnar,L., Singer, L. Major Depression and Antidepressant Treatment: Impact on Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes. April 2009
- Hunker, D.F., Patrick, T.E., Albrecht, S.A., Wisner, K.L. Is difficult childbirth related to postpartum maternal outcomes in the early postpartum period? Archives of Women’s Mental Health. July 2009
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F. Breaking the ICE: Strategies for Establishing an Authentic Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom. Podium Presentation, September 2019, NLN Education Summit, Washington DC.
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F., Panton, L. Academic Writing Feedback: Using VoiceThread to engage Online Students in the Feedback Loop. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO.
- Hunker, D.F., Robb, M. Maintaining Online Program Rigor: A Look at Full-time Versus Adjunct Faculty Grading Practices. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO
- Spadaro, K.C., Hunker, D.F. Why Promote Mindfulness in Nursing Academics? Students Share Their Mindfulness Experiences. Podium Presentation, February 2019, AACN Master’s Education Conference, Tampa, FL
- Hunker, D.F., Robb, M. Maintaining Online Program Rigor: A Look at Full-time Versus Adjunct Faculty Grading Practices. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F., Panton, L. Academic Writing Feedback: Using VoiceThread to engage Online Students in the Feedback Loop. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO
- Wu, H., Spadaro, K., Hunker, D.F., Wolf, D. Returning Home After Study Abroad: Impact on Personal and Professional Roles of Chinese Nurses. Podium Presentation, June 2019, ICN Congress 2019, Singapore
- Robb, M., Hunker, D.F. Breaking the ICE: Strategies for Establishing an Authentic Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom. Podium Presentation, September 2019, NLN Education Summit, Washington DC
- Wolf, D., Spadaro, K., Wu, H., Hunker, D.F. Exploring Chinese nurses’ learning needs and cultural beliefs when studying in the United States, Podium Presentation, May 2018, 7th International Nurse Educator Conference, Banff, CA
- Shellenbarger, T., Gazza, E. A., Hunker, D.F, Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Self-Assessment of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Toward Scholarly Writing, Podium Presentation, November 2017, 44th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN
- Hunker, D.F., Shellenbarger, T., Gazza, E.A., Doctoral Nursing Students' Use of Evidence-Based Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Scholarly Writing, Podium Presentation, July 2017, 28th International Nursing Research Congress, Dublin, Ireland
- Gazza, E.A., Hunker, D.F., Shellenbarger, T. Using the KSAs of Scholarly Writing to Improve Graduate Students’ Writing: The Role of the Nurse Educator, Podium Presentation, February 2017, AACN Masters Conference, Atlanta, GA
- Gazza, E., Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F. Using an Innovative Research-Based Process to Facilitate Scholarly Writer Development, Podium Presentation July 2015. Sigma Theta Tau International's 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Spadaro, K., Hunker, D.F. Exploring the Effects of an Online Asynchronous Mindfulness Meditation Intervention on Nursing Students on Stress, Mood, and Cognition. (Podium Presentation February 2015). AACN’s Master’s Education Conference,St. Petersburg, FL
- Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F., Gazza, E.A. The Experiences of Doctoral Nursing Practice Students Scholarly Writing Development. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention (Indianapolis, IN), November 2013, Podium Presentation
- Spadaro, K., Hunker, D.F., Wolf, D., Doas, M., Stevens, E., Slade, J. Technology, Leadership and Professional Development: A Virtual Nursing Honor Society for Distance Learners. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN. Podium Presentation
- Hunker, D.F., Gazza, E.A., Shellenbarger, T. Evidence-based knowledge, skills and attitudes for scholarly writing development across all levels of nursing education . Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention (Indianapolis, IN). November 2013 (Poster Presentation)
- Gazza, E.A, Shellenbarger, T., Hunker, D.F. Becoming a Scholarly Writer: The Experience of First Semester PhD Students. NETNEP 4th International Nurse Education Conference (Baltimore, MD), June 2012, Oral Presentation
- Spadaro, K. and Hunker, D.F. Developing an Online Mindfulness Intervention for Distance Learners. AACN Doctoral Conference (Naples, FL), January 2012. Poster Presentation
- Gazza, E.A., Hunker, D.F. Recognizing Doctoral Level Writing Deficiencies: Strategies for Success (January 2010). AACN Doctoral Conference, Captiva Island, FL
- Hunker, D.F., Doas, M.D., Who are our DNP Students? Poster Presentation, September 2009. NLN Education Summit, Philadelphia, PA
- Hunker, D. (April 2008). Effects of Adverse Birth Events on Maternal Mood, Functional Status, and Infant Care. National teleconference for MedED.PPD.org
- Hunker, D. (November 2007) Effects of Birth Events on Maternal Mood and Functional Status. Abstract for poster presentation, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 39th Biennial Convention, Baltimore, MD